
For "P.", starting to wake up early in the morning again is hard. She has trouble with others and with authority. However, with time, she has “learned to live with herself…to live with the disease and how to be stable”. She better understands her rhythm, as well as how to effectively prevent her relapses. According to "P.", “If I had chance to start a new life, I would choose to start over.”[1]

“It is also a role, a function and a place in society…we are feeling more respect from our surroundings, and I see changes in the eyes of others...Our neighbours like to see us going to work.”[1]

 “Mental disease further marginalizes a person. My job at Innova allows me to go beyond my disease, and the idea of occupying a role outside of my condition facilitates my social relations. I have something to say when I meet people.”[1]


[1] Exerpts from interviews with employees of ESSM for an article in the magazine "Le Partenaire", 2005.